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 Enfant Terrible label nights Amsterdam and Paris (1/7 May)

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2 participants

Nombre de messages : 112
Date d'inscription : 04/02/2006

Enfant Terrible label nights Amsterdam and Paris (1/7 May) Empty
MessageSujet: Enfant Terrible label nights Amsterdam and Paris (1/7 May)   Enfant Terrible label nights Amsterdam and Paris (1/7 May) EmptyDim 18 Avr 2010 - 17:08

Enfant Terrible label nights in Amsterdam and Paris

Saturday 1 May and Friday 7 May there will be Enfant Terrible label nights in Amsterdam (1 May) and Paris (7 May). Both nights there will be three live acts on stage and an afterparty.

Live on stage at the OCCII in Amsterdam will be Milligram Retreat (Holland), Duflan Duflan (France) and Agent Side Grinder (Sweden). A mix of neo wave sort ofelektro, arty punk and lo-fi indie tronics are the ingredients for this night. DJ. M. (Enfant Terrible) and DJ. Neugeboren Nachtmusik (Milligram Retreat) will be playing tunes during the night. Expect elektro, wave and other electronic sounds form the past and present.

In Paris there will be on stage next to Agent Side Grinder (who are on tour this period) Distel from Holland and Bran from France. Distel and Bran will give the night a more poetic and dark twist. DJ. M. will also be spinning some tunes at this night.

1 May, OCCII, Amstelveenseweg 134, Amsterdam, Holland
7 May, Le Klub, 12 Rue St. Denis, Paris, France

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Enfant Terrible label nights Amsterdam and Paris (1/7 May) ETnight_OCCII2010

Enfant Terrible label nights Amsterdam and Paris (1/7 May) ETnight_paris2010
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L'ombre fuyante

L'ombre fuyante

Masculin Nombre de messages : 16354
Age : 53
Localisation : Eaux troubles de la région Messine
Date d'inscription : 21/04/2009

Enfant Terrible label nights Amsterdam and Paris (1/7 May) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Enfant Terrible label nights Amsterdam and Paris (1/7 May)   Enfant Terrible label nights Amsterdam and Paris (1/7 May) EmptyDim 18 Avr 2010 - 22:28

J'ai découvert Duflan Duflan il y a quelques jours à peine,ce French group est assez barré Enfant Terrible label nights Amsterdam and Paris (1/7 May) Langue43 aussi dans son genre...

Arrow Myspace Duflan Duflan

En voilà encore qui apprécient d'être masqués batman Ils passeront prochainement près de Nancy... Laughing

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Nombre de messages : 112
Date d'inscription : 04/02/2006

Enfant Terrible label nights Amsterdam and Paris (1/7 May) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Enfant Terrible label nights Amsterdam and Paris (1/7 May)   Enfant Terrible label nights Amsterdam and Paris (1/7 May) EmptyJeu 6 Mai 2010 - 16:51

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Enfant Terrible label nights Amsterdam and Paris (1/7 May) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Enfant Terrible label nights Amsterdam and Paris (1/7 May)   Enfant Terrible label nights Amsterdam and Paris (1/7 May) Empty

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Enfant Terrible label nights Amsterdam and Paris (1/7 May)
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