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 Paroles de Buzzcocks!

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Paroles de Buzzcocks! Empty
MessageSujet: Paroles de Buzzcocks!   Paroles de Buzzcocks! EmptyDim 22 Mai 2005 - 3:30

Nothing Left

I'm on my own now
You've gone and left me
I bet you don't know
How you've upset me

'Cos I've nothing left at all
At all at all at all at all at all at all at all
I've nothing left at all

Did you love me
I'd like to think so
But I was blameless
So why did you go

'Cos I've nothing left at all
At all at all at all at all at all at all at all
I've nothing left at all

I've lost a lover
And I am certain
I'll get another
So why'm I hurtin'

'Cos I've nothing left at all
At all at all at all at all at all at all at all
I've nothing left at all

'Cos I've nothing left at all
At all at all at all at all at all at all at all
I've nothing left at all

[back to top]

I Believe

In these times of contention it's not my intention to make things plain
I'm looking through mirrors to catch the reflection that can't be mine
I'm losing control now I'll just have to slow down a thought or two
I can't feel the future and I'm not even certain that there is a past

I believe in the worker's revolution
And I believe in the final solution
I believe in
I believe in
I believe in the shape of things to come
And I believe in I'm not the only one
Yes I believe in
I believe in

When I poison my system I take thoughts and twist them into shapes
I'm reaching my nadir and I haven't an idea of what to do
I'm painting by numbers but can't find the colours that fill you in
I'm not even knowing if I'm coming or going if to end or begin

I believe in the immaculate conception
And I believe in the resurrection
And I believe in
I believe in
I believe in the elixir of youth
And I believe in the absolute truth
Yes I believe in
I believe in

There is no love in this world anymore
There is no love in this world anymore

I've fallen from favour while trying to savour experience
I'm seeing things clearly but it has quite nearly blown my mind
It's the aim of existence to offer resistance to the flow of time
Everything is and that is why it is will be the line

I believe in perpetual motion
And I believe in perfect devotion
I believe in
I believe in
I believe in the things I've never had
I believe in my Mum and my Dad
And I believe in
I believe in

There is no love in this world anymore
There is no love in this world anymore

I'm skippin' the pages of a book that takes ages for the foreword to end
Triangular cover concealing another aspect from view
My relative motion is just an illusion from stopping too fast
The essence of being these feelings I'm feeling I just want them to last

I believe in original sin
And I believe what I believe in
Yes I believe in
I believe in
I believe in the web of fate
And I believe in I'm going to be late
So I'll be leavin'
What I believe in

There is no love in this world anymore
There is no love in this world anymore
There is no love in this world anymore
There is no love in this world anymore
There is no love in this world anymore
There is no love in this world anymore
There is no love in this world anymore
There is no love in this world anymore

Something's Gone Wrong Again

Tried to find my sock
No good it's lost
Something's gone wrong again
Need a shave
Cut myself need a new blade
Something's gone wrong again
And again and again and again again and
Something's gone wrong again
Something's gone wrong again

Tried to fry an egg
Broke the yolk no joke
Something's gone wrong again
Look at my watch just to tell the time
But the hand's come off mine
Something's gone wrong again
Something's gone wrong again
And again and again and again again and
Something's gone wrong again
Something's gone wrong again

Nothing ever happens to people like us
'Cept we miss the bus
Something goes wrong again
Need a smoke use my last 50p
But the machine is broke
Something's gone wrong again
Something goes wrong again
And again and again and again again and
Something goes wrong again
Something goes wrong again


Something goes wrong again
And again and again and again again and
Something goes wrong again
Something goes wrong again

Nothing ever happens to people like us
'Cept we miss the bus
Something goes wrong again
Need a smoke use my last 50p
But the machine is broke
Something goes wrong again
Something goes wrong again
And again and again and again again and
Something goes wrong again
Something goes wrong again

Turn up early in time for our date
But then you turn up late
Something goes wrong again
Need a drink go to the pub
But the bugger's shut
Something goes wrong again
Something goes wrong again
And again and again and again again and
Something goes wrong again
Ah something goes wrong again
Something goes wrong again
Something goes wrong again

Noise Annoys

Pretty girls
Pretty boys
Have you ever heard your mommy say
Noise annoys

Pretty girls
Pretty boys
Have you ever heard your mommy shout
Noise annoys


Pretty girls
Pretty boys
Have you ever heard your mommy scream
Noise annoys

Pretty girls
Pretty boys
Have you ever heard your mommy scream
Noise annoys

Pretty girls
Pretty boys
Have you ever heard your mommy say
Noise annoys

Everybody's Happy Nowadays

I was so tired of being upset
Always wanting something I never could get
Life's an illusion love is a dream
But I don't know what it is

Everybody's happy nowadays
Everybody's happy nowadays

I was so tired of being upset
Always wanting something I never could get
Life's an illusion love is a dream
But I don't know what it is 'cos

Everybody's happy nowadays
Everybody's happy nowadays

Life's an illusion love is the dream
But I don't know what it is
Everyone's saying things to me
But I know it's okay okay

Everybody's happy nowadays
Everybody's happy nowadays

Everybody's happy nowadays
Everybody's happy nowadays

Life's an illusion love is a dream
Life's an illusion love is the dream
Life's the illusion love is a dream
Life's the illusion love is the dream

Everybody's happy nowadays
Everybody's happy nowadays
Todays are good

Bet you are tired of being upset
Always wanting something you never can get
Life's no illusion love's not a dream
Now I know just what it is

Everybody's happy nowadays
Everybody's happy nowadays
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Paroles de Buzzcocks! Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Paroles de Buzzcocks!   Paroles de Buzzcocks! EmptyJeu 2 Juin 2005 - 13:41

si quelq'un souhaite rajouter des infos ou paroles des buzzcocks, no prob!!!!
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Paroles de Buzzcocks! Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Paroles de Buzzcocks!   Paroles de Buzzcocks! EmptySam 4 Juin 2005 - 20:25

les Buzzcocks toujours en activité? des concerts prevus?
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Paroles de Buzzcocks! Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Paroles de Buzzcocks!   Paroles de Buzzcocks! EmptyDim 19 Juin 2005 - 12:53

les Buzzcocks ont beaucoup d'humour....dans un canard anglais on leur demandait ce qu'ils pensaient des chiffres du chomage,particulierement terrible a ils ont repondu qu'ils trouvaient ca formidables!!! Tout comme les interviews de Morrissey,Lydon.....Pete Shelley,Devoto,etc....nous comblent de font que l'exercice de l'interview ne devienne pas horriblement ......."oh, boring"...... affraid
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Paroles de Buzzcocks! Empty
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